Qingdao Tianya Chemical Co Ltd

The functions performed by CMC food grade when used in cooking
The functions performed by CMC food grade when used in cooking
Bulking agent - A filler substance that increases food bulk without increasing available energy value significantly;
Emulsifier - An agent that forms or preserves a mixture of substances normally incapable of being mixed eg. oil and water;
Firming agent - Helps maintain firmness of fruits and vegetables or interacts with gelling agents to strengthen food structure;
Gelling agent - Facilitates the formation of a gel to change food texture;
Glazing agent - A substances that gives food a shiny appearance or provides a protective coating;
Humectant - A substance that helps prevent food from drying out;
Stabilizer - A substance that maintains the uniform dispersal of substances in a food;
Thickener - A substance that increases the viscosity of food.